Capstone 2025

FifTech is collaborating with the Capstone Flagship CS Course on two projects.

Turbocharging Authenticated Storage for Blockchains

Sponsored by Ava Labs, this project strives to enhance the architecture of the Avalanche blockchain by optimizing the storage of key-value pairs on disk. The team plans to reduce the overhead of state management by refining critical components, implementing the storage of key-value pairs in an on-disk Merkle Trie database in Golang by utilizing the Firewood design (originally implemented in Rust).

Team Avalution: Adyah Rastogi, Wesley Truong, Justin Lang, Hao (Aaron) Lee, Jiahua (Roy) Ren

Vision Statement: [PDF]


The SuiChat project, sponsored by Mysten Labs, aims to utilize blockchain technology to create a decentralized end-to-end encrypted messaging app. While encrypted messaging apps exist, they rely on a centralized server, which provides a point of vulnerability.

Team Sui Squad: Sophia Weiler, Chloe Ta, Ben Richardson, Bonnie Huynh, Ashton Wong

Vision Statement: [PDF]

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